Purchase Suggestion

Is the library’s collection missing something? Let us know!

  • We purchase popular movies and authors. Check the library catalog for new titles.
  • We order items that will be released in the next 100 days. Items with release days further out than 100 days will not be ordered until closer to release date. We keep to this timeline as publishers frequently move release dates later in the year.
  • We take the time we need to make decisions on suggestions and to order new items.
  • Not all materials suggested can be added to the collection (e.g. lack of availability, price or limited general interest).
  • Check your BiblioCommons account to see the status of your purchase suggestions. You will need to place yourself on hold for items you request for purchase.
  • Requesting ebooks: Request Overdrive ebooks and e-audiobooks through the digital downloads website.
  • You can also request materials from other libraries through Interlibrary Loan.

View Library Materials Selection Policy

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